Interests and Happenings



Upon reading that Michael Salardino had been named Pueblo Citizen of the Year for 2019, I immediately went to my library and pulled out my Roncalli High School Annual. Michael and I were classmates at Roncalli, the first Catholic all boys school in Pueblo, Colorado. In fact, Michael was in the first graduating class from this school in 1967. I was one year behind him and graduated in 1968.


Leafing through the Avanti, the name of our High School annual, brought back a flood of memories from those long-lost days of the past. But it also helped me to better understand how Michael used his time in high school wisely to prepare for the person he is today.


A look at his pictures in the yearbook shows that he played football all 4 years and had the nickname of the “Fox” as a halfback. He also played golf, was a member of the Student Council, Latin Club, Letterman’s Club, and 4 years in speech competition.


One of the photos included Michael under the title of “The Magnificent Five” prepare for Wednesday’s Student Council meeting. I wonder if this was an omen of things to come for Michael later in his career.  


Michael’s resume of his involvement in Pueblo community activities including the Sons of Italy Lodge and the Grand Lodge, shows his commitment to helping others. There was definitely a formation for this in his early years which is reflected in his high school activities. As the saying goes, we are all a composite of our life’s experiences. Michael’s experiences dating back to grade school and high school helped him to mature in the person he is today.


Congratulations on a reward well-deserved.


Your fellow Shamrock classmate,


Ed Mendicello, Class of ’68.