About the Convention

When Do We Meet?
-The Grand Lodge Council and Colorado lodge delegates meet in odd years. The last convention was in Golden, Colorado in 2013 and the plan is to be in Cripple Creek in 2015.
Who Attends?
-The council of the Grand Lodge of Colorado
-Each lodge gets one delegate for every 20 members (as reported in the lodge's previous year's fourth quarter per capita report).
What Do We Do?
Each convention begins with a social gathering on Friday night where every lodge member and their families are welcome. Each lodge takes turns hosting/planning the convention including locations, activites and meals. Saturday morning begins the business meeting portion of the convention. The meeting includes any matter having to do with filial lodge or state business such as bylaw changes, status updates on each lodge, breakout sessions that focus on membership growth and retention etc. All topics needing discussion should be presented to the state president and grand lodge council before the meeting. While the meeting is open to all members, only delegates and the grand lodge council can speak until the Welfare of the Order portion of the meeting is reached toward the end. Again, the president must pre-approve all speakers.
Next we elect new state officers for the upcoming two-year term. We also establish a location for the next convention.
On Saturday night we usually have a Golden Lion Gala formal dinner honoring a worthy person on the community followed by dancing and socializing.